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Reptil Alado
Fire Type:
Venom spit
Long snake-like body
Bright coloration and pattern
Secretes a poison from its skin that can be spilled
Spits venom
Red, black and yellow
Slitherwing Island
Slitherwing Size
Stats icon attack Attack
14 [1]
Stats icon speed Speed
18 [1]
Stats icon armor Armor
13 [1]
Stats icon fire Firepower
0 [1]
Stats icon shot Shot
0 [1]
Stats icon venom Venom
20 [1]
Stats icon jaw Jaw Strength
8 [1]
Stats icon stealth Stealth
9 [1]
Known Dragons
Slitherwings that attacked the riders and Garff
Slitherwing Icon
The image gallery for Slitherwing
may be viewed here.
Hiccup: "They're poisonous. Very poisonous! And dragons!"
Fishlegs: "Don't touch their skin. It's coated in, well-"
Snotlout: "Poison?"
Fishlegs: "Precisely. You touch one, and you are dead by the next moon."
The Slitherwing is a Mystery Class dragon that appears in Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 5.
Official Description
"Giant winged snakes with venomous scales and fangs, Slitherwings are truly the stuff of nightmares!
As if one Slitherwing wasn’t deadly enough, the poisonous dragons tend to hunt in packs. Like regular snakes, a Slitherwing’s bright coloration indicates its venom level. The more colorful the Slitherwing, the deadlier the attack. These oversized serpents slither at top speeds, sedate prey with the toxins in their bites, and drag them back to their pit for dinner. Equally aggressive against Vikings and dragons, Slitherwings fear only one thing: Fire."
Physical Appearance
Hatchling to Adult
The Slitherwing resembles a giant snake with its long, snake-like body. Its body has a bright, brilliant coloration and pattern that serves as an indication and warning to it's extreme levels of toxicity, much like many other animals, including: snakes, amphibians, fish and insects. It has numerous large fangs and teeth capable of injecting and transmitting venom. Unlike snakes and many species of dragons however, Slitherwings do not have a forked tongue. It also has a series of sharp spines of various shapes and sizes on the top of its head.
Endurance & Stamina
Slitherwings appear to be quite enduring, as a few individuals where shown enduring repeted attacks from the Dragon Riders' dragons, several even taking direct shots to the head only to shrug them off.
Slitherwings are also relentless in their pursuit of prey even after battling other dragons and are persistent enough to capture even the deadliest of prey, such as Death Songs. They can also slither at alarming speeds and are quite agile and maneouverable while flying.
Strength & Combat
Slitherwings where not shown to be particularly strong, but are proficient when it comes to combat. Although they heavily rely on their use of poison and venom to gain the upper hand, Slitherwings also employ the use of their stealthiness and bright coloration to ambush and startle enemies, and their aerial agility and maneouverability to prevent their foes from escaping.
Venom and Poison
The Slitherwing produces and secretes a toxic substance which is both highly venomous and highly poisonous. The toxic substance is fatal to both Viking and dragon alike, and is said to sedate the victim, rendering it immobile and defenseless, ready to be picked up by the Slitherwing.
The toxic substance secreted from the Slitherwing's body is poisonous and can quickly be absorbed by victims through any means of contact, although skin-to-skin transmission is the preferred method. Upon contact the poison quickly enters the victim's bloodstream, causing negative reactions to the body, and can kill a human within one month if not treated with an antidote, as Fishlegs said " You touch one and you are dead by the next moon." However, in "Buffalord Soldier" a day after Astrid catches The Scourge of Odin, Fishlegs states that the scourge overtakes it's victims in three moons. Hiccup replies that one moon had already passed, implying that "one moon" equals a day instead of a month. Meaning that instead of killing within one month, Slitherwing venom most likely kills within a day.
Symptoms of Slitherwing poisoning include: pale discoloration, green patches on the skin, extreme fatigue, pain, and possibly more unknown effects.
Slitherwing spitting venom
A Slitherwing spitting venom.
Venom Spitting
The Slitherwing also has the ability to spit venom from its mouth at potential victims, serving as their firepower and adding to their overall danger. This ability is similar to how different species of spitting cobras can spray airborne venom from their fangs.
Skin Coating
Death Song amber sliding off Slitherwing
The toxic substance that the Slitherwing secretes on its skin is used to coat the entire body of the Slitherwing, which is why one touch from any part of its body could be fatal. The thick skin coating also protects the dragon from external substances applied to it, such as Death Song amber. The amber is unable to stick to the Slitherwing and thus unable to expand and solidify, rendering a Death Song attack on a Slitherwing useless.
Poison Spilling & Launching
The skin-secreted poison can easily be spilled by the Slitherwing using rash and sudden movements, tail flips, or by merely slithering on the floor. It is also able to directly launch quantities of poison at its targets utilizing it's tail as means of launching it, much like Cavern Crashers.
Behavior and Personality
Slitherwings are highly aggressive, instinct-driven and territorial dragons that hunt in packs, hunting most anything they can get their fangs on, including other dragons. They sedate their prey with their toxins before dragging it back to their cavernous lair to be eaten. They sleep coiled around like a spiral in caves and caverns. Slitherwings share a fear of fire with Fireworms. Slitherwings appear to be immune to a Death Song's enchanting song as well as it's amber firepower.
Their inability to shoot any fire and their fear of it appear to be the Slitherwing's only two weaknesses.
The Slitherwing's extremely aggresive and instinct-driven nature and high levels of toxicity render it very difficult, if not impossible, to train.
Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 5
This dragon made its debut in the episode No Dragon Left Behind. When the riders went to find Garffiljorg a new home, they went to Slitherwing Island, oblivious about the venomous dragons that inhabit it.
The Slitherwing is currently one of the five dragons known to eat other dragons, the others being the Red Death, the Scauldron, the Changewing and the Death Song.
It is possible that Slitherwings and Death Songs are natural enemies, since Slitherwings appear to be immune to the Death Song's song and amber firepower, share food sources including other dragons, live in similar habitats and appeared to be particularly intrested in eating Garfiljorg instead of the Rider's other dragons.
The Slitherwing's head bears a striking resemblance to an oriental dragon, and the Slitherwing’s body resembles that of a coral snake.
The Slitherwing appears to be based of coral snakes, spitting cobras, anacondas, poisonous toads and asian dragons.
An obscure line in "Dragon Flower" States that Scauldron venom kills within 24 hours, making them possibly as poisonous as Slitherwings.
Hiccup: "They're poisonous. Very poisonous! And dragons!"
Fishlegs: "Don't touch their skin. It's coated in, well-"
Snotlout: "Poison?"
Fishlegs: "Precisely. You touch one, and you are dead by the next moon."
The Slitherwing is a Mystery Class dragon that appears in Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 5.
Official Description
"Giant winged snakes with venomous scales and fangs, Slitherwings are truly the stuff of nightmares!
As if one Slitherwing wasn’t deadly enough, the poisonous dragons tend to hunt in packs. Like regular snakes, a Slitherwing’s bright coloration indicates its venom level. The more colorful the Slitherwing, the deadlier the attack. These oversized serpents slither at top speeds, sedate prey with the toxins in their bites, and drag them back to their pit for dinner. Equally aggressive against Vikings and dragons, Slitherwings fear only one thing: Fire."
Physical Appearance
Hatchling to Adult
The Slitherwing resembles a giant snake with its long, snake-like body. Its body has a bright, brilliant coloration and pattern that serves as an indication and possible a warning to it being highly venomous and poisonous, much like some species of snakes, amphibians and fish. It has big fangs and teeth that are filled with venom. Unlike a snake however, it does not have a forked tongue. The Slitherwing also has big, sharp spines on the top of its head.
Venom and Poison
The Slitherwing is both highly venomous and highly poisonous. The toxins that it produces is fatal to a human and possibly dragons as well, and is said to sedate its prey, making it defenseless. The poison that is found on the Slitherwing's skin can be quickly absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream of the victim, which then causes negative reactions to the body, and can kill a human within one month if not treated with an antidote, as Fishlegs said " You touch one and you are dead by the next moon."
Skin Coating
The powerful toxin that the Slitherwing secretes on its skin is used to coat the entire body of the Slitherwing, which is why one touch from any part of its body could be fatal. The thick skin coating also protects the dragon from substances applied to it, such as Death Song amber. The amber is unable to stick to the Slitherwing, rendering a Death Song attack useless.
Poison Spilling
The Slitherwing also has the ability to poison its victims by spilling the toxin directly from its body. The poison exists in liquid form, so it can be easily secreted and spilled off the body of the Slitherwing. It also appears that with the ability to spill its poison from its body, it is able to shoot the poison at its victims, notably from its tail.
Venom Spitting
Slitherwing spitting venom
A Slitherwing spitting venom.
The Slitherwing also has the ability to spit its venom from its mouth at potential victims. This ability is similar to how different species of spitting cobras can spit venom from their fangs. Though not having any firepower, the Slitherwing can still fire a substance from its mouth. The venom and poison the Slitherwing produces appears to be the same toxin, so if the venom is spit on its prey, the venom can act as a poison by being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Behavior and Personality
Slitherwings are highly aggressive dragons that hunt in packs. They sedate their prey with their toxins before dragging it back to their cavernous lair to be eaten. Slitherwings also do not like fire.
Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 5
This dragon made its debut in the episode No Dragon Left Behind. When the riders went to find Garffiljorg a new home, they went to Slitherwing Island, unknowing about the venomous dragons.
pueden ser entrenados pero el metodo de entrenamiento en adultos es desconocido
como todos se pueden entrenar desde pequeños
debido a su venenosidad es recomendable manipularlos con guantes y demas protecciones como ocurre con el libelula y tener el antidoto preparado por si te intoxican por accidente
"¡Serpientes de alas gigantes con escamas venenosas y colmillos, los Reptiles Alados son verdaderamente origen de pesadillas!
Como si un solo Reptil Alado no fuera suficientemente mortal, estos dragones venenosos tienden a cazar en manadas. Al igual que las serpientes regulares, la brillante coloración del Reptil Alado indica su nivel de veneno. Cuanto más colorido es el Reptil Alado, más mortal es el ataque. Estas serpientes de gran tamaño se deslizan a velocidades vertiginosas, sedan a las presas con las toxinas en su picadura y las arrastran de vuelta a su pozo para la cena. Igualmente agresivos contra los vikingos y los dragones, los Reptiles Alados sólo temen una cosa: Fuego. "
-Traducción de la Dragonpedia inglesa
Apariencia Editar
El Reptil Alado se asemeja a una serpiente gigante, a excepción de que esta cuenta con alas. Su cuerpo es de color rojo brillante, en su mayoría, con un patrón en amarillo brillante y negro que, además de hacerlo ver como sacado de una pintura tribal vikinga, sirve como una indicación de advertencia de que es altamente venenoso, al igual que en las serpientes y los anfibios. Tiene grandes colmillos y dientes que están llenos de veneno. A diferencia de una serpiente, no tiene una lengua bifurcada. El Reptil Alado también tiene grandes y afiladas espinas en la parte superior de su cabeza.
Habilidades y debilidades Editar
El Reptil Alado es altamente venenoso. Las toxinas que produce su piel y colmillos son fatales para un ser humano y, posiblemente, dragones. El veneno que recubre sus escamas puede ser rápidamente absorbido a través de la piel y entrar el torrente sanguíneo de la víctima, lo que provoca reacciones negativas al cuerpo. Este veneno puede matar a un humano en un día si no se trata con un antídoto.
Además, esta cubierta tóxica le sirve como defensa ante el ámbar líquido que dispara el Canto Mortal y contra algunos tipos de fuego también. No obstante, el fuego resulta su mayor debilidad, le teme, y la mayoría de los dragones pueden dañarlo con su fuego.
También tiene la capacidad de escupir su veneno por la boca a sus posibles víctimas. Esta habilidad es similar a cómo las diferentes especies de serpientes pueden escupir veneno de sus colmillos. Aunque no tiene ningún poder de fuego, el Reptil Alado todavía puede utilizar su boca como medio de ataque y defensa. El veneno que escupe y secreta es la misma toxina, por lo que si el veneno es escupido en su presa, puede actuar de misma forma que al ser absorbido en el torrente sanguíneo.
Y por si fuera poco, el Reptil Alado tiene además la capacidad de envenenar a sus víctimas derramando la toxina directamente de cualquier parte de su cuerpo. El veneno existe en forma líquida dentro de su cuerpo, por lo que puede ser secretada y derramada fácilmente hacia el exterior. También parece que por efecto de esta habilidad, también le es posible disparar el veneno a presión, especialmente desde la cola.
El Reptil Alado (Slitherwing en inglés) es una nueva especie de reptiles que apareció por primera y única vez en la quinta temporada de Carrera al Borde.
no esta del todo claro que sean dragones
existe una rivalidad entre los cancion mortal y los reptiles alados, pues estos, al igual que los tambor trueno no se ven afectados por su canto
Se podria decir que son los depredadores de los cancion mortal
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