Tipo de Fuego
Disparo Relámpago
Absorber electricidad y usarla
Puede permancer congelado durante décadas
Dificil de detectar en nubes
Espinas afiladas en la espalda y en la cola
Posee grandes garras en las alas y en los pies
Posee un cuerno en la frente
Morado con gris
29' (9 Metros)
Stats icon attack Ataque
Stats icon speed Velocidad
11 (19 con Electricidad)
Stats icon armor Armadura
Stats icon fire Poder de Fuego
Stats icon shot Limites de Tiro
4 (Recarga con Rayos)
Stats icon venom Veneno
Stats icon jaw Fuerza de Mandibula
Stats icon stealth Sigilo
El Skrill es un dragón que apareció por primera vez en la película mientras Hipo buscaba información sobre los Furia Nocturna. Fue un dragón incluido en el corto El Libro de los Dragones. También puede ser visto en la propaganda de estreno de la serie Dragones de Berk.
El Skrill es de color violeta por toda la superficie mientras que en la parte inferior es de un color medio plateado y del tamaño aproximado al de un Furia Nocturna. Posee unas alas grandes con una garra en cada una de ellas que usa para caminar en tierra, espinas metálicas que recorren desde su espalda hasta su cola y una cresta violeta como la del Nadder, aunque mucho más fina y corta que la de este. Sus ojos están en la punta de su hocico, muy cerca de sus pequeñas fosas nasales. Tiene una enorme boca parecida a la de un cocodrilo y dientes chicos pero muy finos y afilados. Como el Pesadilla Monstruosa, su locomoción en tierra es similar a la de los pterosaurios.
Siendo uno de los dragones más misteriosos y temidos del Libro de Dragones, el Skrill es agresivo, poderoso y casi inentrenable. Es bastante beligerante e impredecible, tal como una tormeta eléctrica. Es muy territorial, a pesar de que se tiene que mover constantemente siguiendo climas tormentosos, así que es común encontrarlos cerca de alguna tormenta eléctrica.
El Skrill es un dragón eléctrico, puede absorber y almacenar energía mediante sus espinas metálicas y lanzarla a través de su cuerpo y su boca en forma de rayos. También tiene la habilidad de dirigir varios rayos a múltiples objetivos, convirtiéndolo en una de las bestias más temidas por los Vikingos.
Se sabe que se envuelven en sus alas y "montan" rayos, como un torpedo en el aire, hasta alcanzar velocidades megasonicas. Su habilidad de almacenar la energía, provoca que haya un campo estático a su alrededor, lo que hace que se erice el cabello cuando se está cerca de uno. Debido a que los Skrill tienen una gran cantidad de energía y calor dentro de sí, pueden sobrevivir décadas congelados en un estado de hibernación.
Como todos los dragones de Clase Embestida, el Skrill posee una gran velocidad, inteligencia extrema y un enorme poder de fuego, además de ser muy sigilosos. Su ataque, que ya de por sí es poderoso, se vuelven aún más en las tormentas eléctricas, ya que puede lanzarlo como un rayo a larga distancias. Pese a que su límite de tiros es de 4, cuando está en una tormenta es capaz de recargalos con gran rapidez.el skrill es el dragon mas rapido que existe
El Skrill fue primeramente visto en un dibujo del Manual de Dragones de la película. Como todos los dragones del Manual (excepto el Furia Nocturna), dice que es "en extremo peligroso" y que hay que "tirar a matar".
También aparece en El libro de los dragones, donde según el corto, el Skrill es un dragón muy raro. Se dice que atrae rayos para alcanzar velocidades supersónicas y que solo sale durante una tormenta eléctrica. Puede lanzar fuego blanco y antes de hacerlo, su cuerpo se carga enteramente de electricidad estática. Con sólo estar cerca es suficiente como para hacer que todo tu pelo se erice.
En el episodio de Defensores de Berk, View to a Skrill (partes 1 y 2), Abono y Cubeta encuentran un Skrill congelado. Luego de que los jinetes vencieran a los Berserkers que se lo querían llevar, y de haberlo llevado a la Academia, Brutacio y Brutilda junto con Patán lo descongelan con una explosión y lo dejan escapar. Resultó que los Marginados lo capturaron y formaron una alianza con los Berserkers con ese dragón. Tras liberarlo de nuevo, esta vez de Dagur el Desquiciado, Hipo y Chimuelo no encuentran otra solución que congelarlo de nuevo en el iceberg donde lo encontraron.
El Skrill era uno de los conceptos originales para Chimuelo.
Es un símbolo de los Energumenos.
En el décimo capítulo de Defensores de Berk se demuestra que no lanza fuego blanco, si no que se carga de rayos para después lanzarlos en forma de un bola de energía comparada con la de Chimuelo.
Según el sitio de Cartoon Network es completamente inentrenable, sin embargo, la Dragonpedia estima que sólo es casi inentrenable, éste último es el caso verdadero.
A pesar de que en View to a Skrill, Estoico dice que su abuelo le contaba historias de barcos Berserkers que llegaban con dragones escupe rayos, puede ser que no estuvieran entrenados, y sólo fueran controlados a la fuerza, tal como Dagur lo hizo. Esto indica que, si puede ser controlado, también puede ser entrenado.
Sus alimentos preferidos son las ovejas y los peces, asi que puede ser entrenado con facilidad si se le proporciona alimento, como en Cosas de Vuelo, cuando Gustav Larson se ganó la confianza de su dragón (Fiosgar) alimentandolo con pescado.
Sus descargas de rayos son aún más letales en el agua, pero cuando caen al agua pierden la velocidad y permanecen en un sitio hasta explotar.
En algunos conseptos de arte, se muestra a un Skrill comiendo anguilas de una canasta, sin embargo, en la serie se demuestra que el único dragón que come anguilas es el Tifómerang. Incluso, en el juego Escuela de Dragones, si se alimenta a un Skrill con anguilas, su felicidad baja.
"This elusive creature is highly secretive, it is known to ride lightning bolts. Found only during electrical storms that can shoot bursts of white fire."
―Hiccup talking about the Skrill.[src]
The Skrill is a Strike Class dragon that first appeared in the the film adaption of How to Train Your Dragon. The Skrill was seen in the Dragon Manual while Hiccup, deserted by the other teens, was looking through the book after Gobber told the new recruits to study. A frozen specimen appeared in "A View to a Skrill, Part 1", "A View to a Skrill, Part 2" and "A Time to Skrill".
Official Description
"One of the most mysterious and feared dragon species in the Book of Dragons, the Skrill is agressive, powerful and nearly untrainable.
Skrills do not breathe fire. Instead, they channel lightning down their metallic spines, firing it from their mouths in a shower of destructive blasts. They can also store this electrical power in their bodies an release it later on. Because of this unique firepower, Skrills tend to gravitate towards stormy weather. If you find yourself flying through a thunderstorm, watch out! Skrills are also tough. They can take a lot of damage in battle, and give as good as they get. However, the Skrill has one cannot fire its lightning from the water. Force a Skrill into the ocean, and it loses the upper hand.
They can hibernate in icy glaciers for decades at a time, and emerge as fierce as the day they were frozen."
"A jolt from the Strike Class, this Dragon is among the most feared Dragons. They can summon lightning to shoot electrical blasts. Quite a shock!
Enemies Beware! The spiny Skrill attacks with balls of lightning more powerful than any natural storm."
―Dragons: Rise of Berk
"As learned in 'Defenders of Berk', the Skrills have the ability to stay frozen for decades upon decades; they were found in a huge block of ice that was near-impossible to break. With the help of Hookfang, Snotlout was able to blow it up, leaving many Skrills to wander the land. Since the School of Dragons was accepting more dragons, Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout and the Headmaster all decided to provide the Skrill a home and a place to lay their eggs.
With its large wings, they fly like professionals with extremely fast momentum through anything, even lightning. The metallic spikes on their back are not only used to cut through things, but they are used to shoot lightening out of their mouths. Although Skrills are generally very mysterious, they are also known to be aggressive and powerful. You usually find the Skrill flying about during an electrical storm.
These Skrills definitely have a mind of their own, but in the end, they will always be a loyal partner."
―School of Dragons
Physical Appearance
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Skrill eggs are round and usually come in shades of blue or purple. The color of the hatchling can be told by that of the eggs. They are covered in what looks like lightning bolts zapping around it. Its center core glows very brightly. It is unknown if the bolts are actually electric or if they are just ornamental.
Hatchling to Adult
The Skrill has large wings and a spiked back and tail. These spines are metallic in nature and conduct the arcing electricity that it uses as its unique firepower.
The Skrill possess a crown of spikes on its head which nearly all are the same length. The Skrill's crown can also be used to give it expression, as it is able to control them to be pulled back or forward. Skrills have three short spines on their chin. It also appears to have four shark-like gills on its neck.
Its head slightly resembles that of a Thunderdrum or a Flightmare. The proportion of its head, body, and wings are quite close to that of a Flightmare's. It apparently resembles a Night Fury in flight and rivals its speed, being only slightly slower. It's the size of a Deadly Nadder, but incredibly fast, comparing speed to size.
This dragon has been shown to walk and run on its two legs with its wings folded. A new model in School of Dragons was made for the Skrill, featuring the Skrill walking on two legs, instead of its original locomotion.
Titan Wing
Titan Skrills still resemble their younger counterparts. However, they are now larger and teal blue, instead of purple, and their mouth is light blue. Also, the spines on their back are longer and sharper, as well as appearing to glow green at the bases. The talons on their wings have grown significantly thicker, and start black at their base and lighten to a shade of green. Their wings are black, but fade to a light blue at the edges.
Like all Strike Class dragons, Skrills have blazing speed, extreme intelligence, unique firepower, and are masters of stealth. What is unique about these dragons is that they are able to manipulate electricity, absorbing electrical energy from storm cloud and redirecting it back as powerful blasts.
Absorbing Electricity
The Skrill absorbing lightning.
The Skrill is an electrical dragon. It can absorb and store lightning's electrical energy. Using its metallic spines, it can channel lightning through its body and fire out destructive blasts through its mouth. Skrills obtain their lightning blasts from absorbing electrical charges from thunderclouds. Since the electrical charges in thunderclouds are very active, Skrills can achieve very powerful firepower. Skrills also have the ability to direct multiple bolts of lightning, striking things around themselves, making them greatly feared by Vikings. They can also store the electrical energy in their bodies and use it at a later time. Its ability to harness and store electricity gives it a static field, making your hair stand on end if you get too close. The Skrill most likely has a powerful electrolyte in its scales, which it can use to create powerful electrical charges throughout its body with static electricity, and also create a conductor for electricity to travel freely on its body.
Riding Lightning
Skrill Supersonic
The Skrill riding lightning
The Skrill is able to "ride" lightning bolts. It was first and only seen in "A Time to Skrill", after the Skrill was tamed and set free, it ascended upwards at supersonic speeds through a field of lightning bolts. The Skrill was able to use the energy of lightning to accelerate very quickly and fly at supersonic speeds. It was able to reach the clouds from the glacier it was on in one second, which would mean that the Skrill was traveling much faster than sound. It is unknown why the Skrill only used this ability once, though it's possibly due to a limit. This move is by far faster than any other dragon, but the stats say otherwise.
Electrical Field
The Skrill creating an electrical field to defend itself against a plasma blast.
Skrills are able to create an electrical field, that acts similar to a force field. It does this by redirecting energy through its wings, as the electricity forms together by closing its wings together and springing its tail upwards. It then forms a small electrical field that can be used to block itself from projectiles, similar to how a Seashocker does to protect itself from predators. This was shown when the Skrill was in control of Dagur; it used this ability to block Toothless' plasma blasts. The Skrill can cover its wings for extra protection against a stronger blast. However, the electrical field was seen to be strong enough to deflect some blasts from Toothless, as seen in the third time Toothless fired, the Skrill did not cover its wings. The resistance power of the electrical field cannot be determined other than it was able to deflect weak blasts. It is unknown how a much stronger blast could affect the Skrill while using the electrical field. This however determines that this ability is the last line of defense for the Skrill. When the Skrill was under control of Dagur, it could not dodge the blasts or accurately fire back because it was tied up on ropes.
Tumblr mxf6i9eirh1qmpf37o4 1280
The Skrill firing lighting.
Explsion by Skrill's blast
The destructive blast of impact.
Unlike other dragons' fire attacks, where it is a single blast projectile or a stream of fire, Skrills have the ability to shoot lightning in a beam over great distances, adding more power to it and more damage to whatever is unlucky enough to get hit. It is also said to be able to direct multiple lightning bolts at once. All the electrical power it gets to fire its lightning comes directly from the clouds by natural lightning. A side effect of getting hit by the electric blast causes people to talk gibberish.
Plasma and lightning collison
The reaction created when acetylene oxygen plasma collides with a straight line of lightning.
When the Lightning Blasts of a Skrill and the Plasma Blasts of a Night Fury meet head on, a massive energetic explosion will form and can knock dragons from the sky. Skrills can fire their lightning blast with extreme precision. According to the Cartoon Network site the Skrill's lightning blasts are equally as powerful as a Night Fury's plasma blast. Skrills have a shot limit of 4, however while in a storm they can recharge their shots very quickly at any time they want, and they can store four blasts of lightning ready to be released. With this advantage of continuous shots, the Skrill takes a huge advantage over their shot limit by constantly firing its blasts in a quick succession. It often does not need to take good aim before firing as it can afford to miss, seeing as its shots are easily rechargeable in a thunderstorm.
Ice Hibernation
It was revealed that their hidden ability is their inner body heat, allowing Skrills to survive being frozen for decades. Dragonpedia states that once Skrills emerge from being frozen, they will be as fierce as the day they were frozen, as shown when Hiccup and Fishlegs revealed to Stoick that the Frozen Skrill could still be alive and dangerous.
Speed, Agility and Stealth
The Skrill blending in with the dark clouds.
The Skrill is a very fast flier among dragons. Its speed is seen to be comparative to that of a Night Fury's, as the Skrill was always able to catch up and cling right behind Toothless every time in a chase. And the Skrill can also reach far greater speeds while riding lightning. It's also very agile as it is able to maneuver through sea stacks without much difficulty. The Skrill has a sleek, dark colored body, which makes it extremely difficult to spot in dark clouds and overcast weather. The only warning of their presence in these environments is the light given when lightning travels through the clouds and their electrical outline when it absorbs lightning prior to an attack.
Strength and Combat
Skrills are very strong for their size. The frozen specimen managed to knock away Stormfly with just one slap of its wings. It is said that Skrill is one of the few dragons that can fight against Night Fury. It is also able to take down the entire Dragon Rider's Auxiliary team with relative ease.
As a Strike Class dragon, the Skrill possess extreme intelligence. In "A Time to Skrill", the Skrill's intelligence was shown, as the Frozen Skrill recognized that Hiccup tried to lure him back into the glacier to freeze him, and it later tried to trap Hiccup and Toothless inside. Also, it was smart enough to follow Hiccup's trail back to Berk, and it even knew which house was Hiccup's.
The Skrill's sense of vision is shown to be strong enough to allow it to see through dark clouds.
Stamina and Endurance
Plasma blast to the head
Skrill taking a plasma blast to the head.
The Skrill's stamina and endurance seems to be incredibly high, as the Frozen Skrill was able to emerge from hibernation, attack the Riders' dragons, go in search of food and then engage the Riders in combat with no pause in between. The Frozen Skrill was able to endure many attacks and still was able to fight. It was even seen to be able to take a plasma blast to the head and continue to battle with minor injury, where most other dragons would have been defeated at this point.
Behavior and Personality
One of the most mysterious and feared species in the Book of Dragons, the Skrill is aggressive, powerful, and nearly untrainable. It appears to be almost as feared as the Night Fury, if not more feared (this could perhaps be due to the Berserkers who used to harness the Skrill and use it as a weapon). This reclusive dragon is belligerent and as unpredictable as lightning strikes. It is very territorial, despite following stormy weather. They are known to be very elusive and are distrusting towards other species of dragons and humans. Skrills tend to gravitate towards lighting storms to defend themselves against potential predators or to quickly recharge their shot limit. They are known to be very fierce and will act recklessly without thinking when released if trapped in the ice for too long.
Skrills were said to be untrainable but that was proven to be false. To tame or train a Skrill, you would need to prove to it that you are willing to risk your life in order to save the dragon. That way the Skrill can trust you. The Frozen Skrill held a grudge against Hiccup and Toothless after they trapped him in a glacier. After he broke out, he was about to harm the duo as a revenge but after Hiccup saved the Skrill from the Dragon Hunters and later freed him, the dragon finally let go of its hatred towards them and bowed, before flying off in the clouds.
The Skrill, however, has been seen to prefer being free rather than being trained like other dragons.
The Skrill fallen in the sea.
The Skrill's primary weakness is water. It cannot channel electricity and loses all firepower when it is wet. If you force a Skrill to fall in the water, it will lose its upper hand. However, the Skrill can quickly regain its ability to channel lightning and electricity after getting out of the water. Its other weakness is Dragon Root, which affect most of the dragons species, including the Skrill itself.
Training a Skrill is incredibly difficult, close to impossible. They are aggressive and stubborn, refusing to be trained even in times of crisis. However, by treating it with respect and showing it mercy instead of hurting it, thus showing that you can accept the Skrill for what it is, you can gain its trust. The Skrill would return its gratitude with a dignified bow. In Triple Cross, Viggo revealed that Skrills are attracted to metal's electrical properties. Waving a dagger around slowly infront of the Skrill and soothing/calming it down.
How to Train Your Dragon
The Skrill is mentioned briefly as Hiccup reads the Dragon Manual for information on Night Furies. As with most of the dragons in the dragon manual, it's listed as being "extremely dangerous" and the manual instructs readers to "kill on sight", although it's name was only mentioned.
The Skrill's original concept in the Book of Dragons.
Book of Dragons
The Skrill was touched on by Gobber, stating "The Skrill is said to be highly secretive and is known to ride lightning bolts like air torpedoes to reach supersonic speeds, and usually only comes out during electrical storms. It can shoot bursts of white fire as its entire body crackles with static electricity. Just being close to a Skrill is enough to make one's hair stand on end." Skrills are here shown to belong to the Strike Class of dragons. Bork and his sheep Willy found one that caused their hair to stand on edge.
Dragons: Defenders of Berk
As shown in "A View to a Skrill, Part 1", the Skrill was the symbol of the Berserker Tribe in which it appeared on their ships' sail, shields and their chief's belt. According to Stoick's grandfather, the Berserkers were said to use harnessed Skrills in their attacks, they would attack behind them after they rained lightning blasts upon their enemies.
A Skrill was found frozen in a solid block of ice, found by Berserkers who attack Bucket and Mulch to keep it hidden. Hiccup, Astrid and Snotlout flew it back to the Academy, where it was eventually blown open by the Twins, unleashing the Skrill. It is pursued by the gang and Dagur for until it was captured by Alvin when it fell into the ocean.
The Skrill was then locked up and put in a cage on Outcast Island. Wanting the dragon, Dagur secures a fake deal with Alvin and ultimately steals the Skrill, using it to battle Alvin, Hiccup and Toothless until he gets electrocuted after Hiccup tricks him into making the Skrill attack while he is standing in a puddle, and the Skrill is set free. In the end, the Skrill is refrozen in a glacier once again when Hiccup and Toothless lure it into an iceberg and provoke it into knocking itself out when it charges Toothless's reflection, Hiccup melting the glacier with the aid of the twins and Barf and Belch.
Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 2
In "A Time to Skrill", The Frozen Skrill awakes from ice hibernation due to lightning strikes destroying the ice it is in, and tries to find Hiccup and Toothless. It attacks Outcast Island and later Berk. The Skrill destroys Hiccup's and Stoick's house and later chases Hiccup and Toothless to the Ship Graveyard. After a failed attempt to trick the Skrill into entering an ice cave, the Skrill destroys Toothless's tail. Hiccup builds a new tail, leads the Skrill to Dagur, and allows Dagur to net it. The Skrill falls into the ocean and loses the ability to channel lightning. Hiccup's plan was to free it from Dagur, and take the Skrill back to the glacier. But Dagur had his men shot arrows at Hiccup, knocking a sword out of his hand, and captured the Skrill. Hiccup and Toothless fly back to Dragon's Edge and the Riders team up, locate and free the Skrill. After a short battle, the Skrill defeated the Dragon Hunters, but Spitelout shot it down with a Dragon Hunter arrow. The Skrill is taken back to the glacier and the Riders prepare to put it into a crevasse and seal it in. But when Hiccup saw the fear and sadness in its eyes, he set it free. After a goodbye bow to Hiccup and Toothless, the Skrill freely flies off into the sky.
Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 6
"Triple Cross"
Dragons: Rise of Berk
Skrills became available in Rise of Berk, along with Hunterbolt, the Frozen Skrill, Icebane and the Brute Skrill.
Statistics in Rise of Berk logo
School of Dragons
Skrills also became available in School of Dragons and has a Viking Armor Pack adapted from its design.
Statistics in Dragons-DW-logo
The Skrill is the crest of the Berserker tribe.
The Skrill is the second Strike Class dragon introduced in the franchise.
According to the Cartoon Network site, Skrills are completely untrainable. Dragonpedia, however, says Skrill are nearly untrainable, which is the case.
Hunterbolt's description in Rise of Berk states "Training a Skrill isn't the easiest to do"
In "Triple Cross", Viggo manages to train one by waving a dagger in front of it, due to the blade's electrical properties.
A Skrill's favorite food is sheep (mutton). It is possible that they live in highlands to have easy access to this food, living high up in mountains that both has an abundance of electrical storms and wild mountain sheep.
Coincidentally, wool is known for being electrically static, which is probably why the Skrill is attracted to sheep.
Berserkers can actually control a Skrill to shoot out lightning during electrical storms. The most likely theory is that the Skrill has sensitive organs along the side of its wings. These organs are able to absorb lightning better than any other part of its body. Once pulled down, the Skrill is not able to absorb lightning as easily. This is a similar movement to a Skrill absorbing lightning naturally.
The Skrill is said to draw lightning from the sky and strike it in several directions at once.
The Skrill is one of the few dragons that is able to go head to head with a Night Fury.
In the series, Skrills are shown to be able to walk upright and on all fours.
Despite it being stated that the Skrill's electricity causes a Viking's hair to stand on end if they get to close, Hiccup and the other Dragon Riders, as well as Dagur and his men, have gotten very close to a Skrill and did not experience this side effect. This might be because none of them have a beard. Although at one point, after being fired at by the Skrill, Hiccup stated that it made his hair stand up.
This side effect was likely just forgotten during the making of the episode.
It is possible that the Skrill's speed stats are wrong, it says it is 11/19 (19 whilst riding lightning) but based on what's been shown in the franchise this seems unlikely.
Hunterbolt's description in Rise of Berk says that the Skrill is the fastest dragon (while riding lightning of course), as in "Snotlout is determined to have the fastest, strongest and scariest Dragon around."
The one time a Skrill has been seen riding lightning, it traveled much faster than any dragon seen before, which further proves that 19 wouldn't be its top speed.
The Dragon Tracker Part 4 says that the Skrill is an extremely fast flier, and is difficult to keep up with, even for a Night Fury. The scenes used to illustrate the Skrill's immense speed show the Skrill flying normally, without any enhancements. This further supports the fact that the Skrill's top speed would be above 19 while riding lightning.
It is possible that when riding lightning, the Skrill is the fastest dragon with its augmented speed.
From what's been shown it would make more sense that the Skrill should have the stats 19/?
The Skrill is the natural predator of the Singetail. This is because the Skrill's lightning neutralizes the Singetail's fire blast.
Fire Type:
Absorbs lightning from thunderclouds and redirects it
Sharp metallic spines on back
Long wing claws
Spiked crown on head
Electrical shock
Ice hibernation
Blends in with dark clouds
Rides lightning bolts to achieve supersonic speeds
Dark gray with purple markings and lighter belly
460 lbs (208.7 kg)
Dark Harbor
Fowl Smell Flock
Icy Wastes
Isle of the Quiet Life
Mount Ymir
Scuttleclaw Island
Wreck Reef
Stats icon attack Attack
Stats icon speed Speed
Stats icon armor Armor
10 [1]
Stats icon fire Firepower
Stats icon shot Shot
4 [1] (recharges from storm clouds)
Stats icon venom Venom
Stats icon jaw Jaw Strength
Stats icon stealth Stealth
Known Dragons
The Skrill that Bork encountered in Book of Dragons
Frozen Skrill
Brute Skrill
Viggo's Skrill
Lavender Skrill
The image gallery for Skrill
may be viewed here.
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Comentarios (34)
Absorber electricidad para dispararla
Puede permanecer congelado durante décadasCamuflaje en tormentas, aparte de poder generarlas
¿Se puede entrenar?
11 (19 con electricidad)
Poder de fuego
Limite de disparos
4 (recarga con rayos)
El Skrill es un dragón que apareció por primera vez en la película mientras Hipo buscaba información sobre los Furia Nocturna. Fue un dragón incluido en el corto El Libro de los Dragones. También puede ser visto en la propaganda de estreno de la serie Dragones de Berk.
El Skrill es de color violeta por toda la superficie mientras que en la parte inferior es de un color medio plateado y del tamaño aproximado al de un Furia Nocturna. Posee unas alas grandes con una garra en cada una de ellas que usa para caminar en tierra, espinas metálicas que recorren desde su espalda hasta su cola y una cresta violeta como la del Nadder, aunque mucho más fina y corta que la de este. Sus ojos están en la punta de su hocico, muy cerca de sus pequeñas fosas nasales. Tiene una enorme boca parecida a la de un cocodrilo y dientes chicos pero muy finos y afilados. Como el Pesadilla Monstruosa, su locomoción en tierra es similar a la de los pterosaurios.
Siendo uno de los dragones más misteriosos y temidos del Libro de Dragones, el Skrill es agresivo, poderoso y casi inentrenable. Es bastante beligerante e impredecible, tal como una tormenta eléctrica. Es muy territorial, a pesar de que se tiene que mover constantemente siguiendo climas tormentosos, así que es común encontrarlos cerca de alguna tormenta eléctrica.
El Skrill es un dragón eléctrico, puede absorber y almacenar energía mediante sus espinas metálicas y lanzarla a través de su cuerpo y su boca en forma de rayos. También tiene la habilidad de dirigir varios rayos a múltiples objetivos, convirtiéndolo en una de las bestias más temidas por los Vikingos.
Se sabe que se envuelven en sus alas y "montan" rayos, como un torpedo en el aire, hasta alcanzar velocidades megasonicas. Su habilidad de almacenar la energía, provoca que haya un campo estático a su alrededor, lo que hace que se erice el cabello cuando se está cerca de uno. Debido a que los Skrill tienen una gran cantidad de energía y calor dentro de sí, pueden sobrevivir décadas congelados en un estado de hibernación.
Como todos los dragones de Clase Embestida, el Skrill posee una gran velocidad, inteligencia extrema y un enorme poder de fuego, además de ser muy sigilosos. Su ataque, que ya de por sí es poderoso, se vuelven aún más en las tormentas eléctricas, ya que puede lanzarlo como un rayo a larga distancias. Pese a que su límite de tiros es de 4, cuando está en una tormenta es capaz de recargalos con gran rapidez.el skrill es el dragon mas rapido que existe
El Skrill fue primeramente visto en un dibujo del Manual de Dragones de la película. Como todos los dragones del Manual (excepto el Furia Nocturna), dice que es "en extremo peligroso" y que hay que "tirar a matar".
También aparece en El libro de los dragones, donde según el corto, el Skrill es un dragón muy raro. Se dice que atrae rayos para alcanzar velocidades supersónicas y que solo sale durante una tormenta eléctrica. Puede lanzar fuego blanco y antes de hacerlo, su cuerpo se carga enteramente de electricidad estática. Con sólo estar cerca es suficiente como para hacer que todo tu pelo se erice.
En el episodio de Defensores de Berk, View to a Skrill (partes 1 y 2), Abono y Cubeta encuentran un Skrill congelado. Luego de que los jinetes vencieran a los Berserkers que se lo querían llevar, y de haberlo llevado a la Academia, Brutacio y Brutilda junto con Patán lo descongelan con una explosión y lo dejan escapar. Resultó que los Marginados lo capturaron y formaron una alianza con los Berserkers con ese dragón. Tras liberarlo de nuevo, esta vez de Dagur el Desquiciado, Hipo y Chimuelo no encuentran otra solución que congelarlo de nuevo en el iceberg donde lo encontraron.
El Skrill era uno de los conceptos originales para Chimuelo.
Es la címera de los Berserkers.
En el décimo capítulo de Defensores de Berk se demuestra que no lanza fuego blanco, si no que se carga de rayos para después lanzarlos en forma de un bola de energía comparada con la de Chimuelo.
Según el sitio de Cartoon Network es completamente inentrenable, sin embargo, la Dragonpedia estima que sólo es casi inentrenable, éste último es el caso verdadero.
A pesar de que en View to a Skrill, Estoico dice que su abuelo le contaba historias de barcos Berserkers que llegaban con dragones escupe rayos, puede ser que no estuvieran entrenados, y sólo fueran controlados a la fuerza, tal como Dagur lo hizo. Esto indica que, si puede ser controlado, también puede ser entrenado.
Sus descargas de rayos son aún más letales en el agua, pero cuando caen al agua pierden la velocidad y permanecen en un sitio hasta explotar.
En algunos conseptos de arte, se muestra a un Skrill comiendo anguilas de una canasta, sin embargo, en la serie se demuestra que el único dragón que come anguilas es el Tifómerang. Incluso, en el juego Escuela de Dragones, si se alimenta a un Skrill con anguilas, su felicidad baja.
El Skrill es uno de los dragones mas poderosos y populares del universo de los dragones.
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