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Traga Arena
Comments (6)
Fire Type:
Molten sand that solidifies into glass on impact
Large head, long neck, spikes along side of body
Green and beige
Large: 80 feet (24.38 meters) long
Northern Markets
Uglythug Lands
Sandbuster Size
Stats icon attack Attack
13 [1]
Stats icon speed Speed
11 [1]
Stats icon armor Armor
8 [1]
Stats icon fire Firepower
10 [1]
Stats icon shot Shot
6 [1]
Stats icon venom Venom
0 [1]
Stats icon jaw Jaw Strength
6 [1]
Stats icon stealth Stealth
17 [1]
Known Dragons
Wild Sandbuster that attacked Hiccup and Snotlout
The image gallery for Sandbuster
may be viewed here.
Hiccup: "Hey, you have a better idea for whenever that sand-busting thing comes back?"
Snotlout: "Sandbuster. That's a good name."
―Snotlout comes up with the name Sandbuster for the dragon[src]
The Sandbuster is a Mystery Class dragon that appears in Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 5. Its name was first revealed via a clip on the Rise of Berk Facebook page.
Official Description
"Like a pirate protecting his treasure, the Sandbuster lurks under the Northern Markets’ shores to guard its gold and sink any trespassers!
The many criminals who frequent the Northern Markets are a dangerous lot, but even they know to keep away from the beaches. For years now, the Sandbuster has lived under those shores, amassing a valuable pile of gems and gold in its cave. Territorial and greedy, the Sandbuster burrows sinkholes in the ground that swallow up any humans foolish enough to tread near its riches. The dragon’s only weakness is sunlight, which burns its sensitive scales in a matter of seconds."
"This shifty critter swims through the sand, catching victims unaware and pulls them underground. It hoards loot in great caves, viciously attacking anyone it suspects of thievery!
Sandbuster melts down sand and fires molten glass, trapping its prey. Its biggest weakness is sunlight, but it struggles to hold ground against larger dragons."
―Dragons: Rise of Berk
Physical Appearance
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A Sandbuster egg is oval, with slightly irregular shape. It is yellow, the color of sand, with green spots, the color of grass. It is similar to the model of the dragon.
Hatchling to Adult
The Sandbuster is a medium-sized dragon. It has a long, snake-like body, similar to the Grapple Grounder. It has a large head with relatively small blue eyes. It has a long neck with sharp rows of spikes. It has four legs, each ending with three sharp claws. The back legs are bigger and more muscular than the fore ones, similar to the Shivertooth. Its wings are big compared to the body. They have two sharp claws on each of them. The tail is very long and has rows of spikes on it.
Titan Wing
A Titan Wing Sandbuster is not very different from the adult. It has bigger spikes on its head, neck and tail. Similar to most Titan Wings, it has red eyes.
The Sandbuster shoots superheated sand that hardens into solid glass on impact. However, according to Rise of Berk, it shoots molten glass which solidifies on impact, trapping its prey, similar to how a Death Song does with its amber and a Bewilderbeast with its ice blast.
This dragon is able to burrow through the sand, similar to a Whispering Death. However, it doesn't make holes in the sand because it "swims" through it instead of eating it.
This dragon seems to be quite intelligent as one understood how to protect itself from the sunlight using its blast and then destroyed the only escape Hiccup and the others had.
Speed and Agility
Having a snake-like body makes the Sandbusters very agile dragons as they are able to make quick turns in small places.
Prehensile Tail
The Sandbusters' prehensile tails allow them to grab Vikings by their legs before pulling them under.
Behavior and Personality
Sandbusters are described as being territorial and greedy, protecting his treasure like a pirate. They seem to be very aggressive in general, as seen when one attacked Hiccup, Snotlout and Amos.
Snotlout: "Did you guys see that?"
Hiccup: "It's the light. It can't be in direct sunlight."
Amos: "Maybe that's why he patched the holes in the roof."
Hiccup: "Maybe."
―Hiccup, Snotlout, and Amos see the sunlight's effects on the Sandbuster[src]
The Sandbuster is extremely sensitive to sunlight, not only in brightness to its eyes, but to its skin as well. A shaft of sunlight touching anywhere on its skin will cause lasting areas of redness, presumably a type of sunburn that appears quickly. It is unknown if any source of light might cause this damage, or it is limited to sunlight.
Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 5
The Sandbuster is one of the new dragons of this season. It debuted in the episode Sandbusted, when one Sandbuster became a problem in the Northern Markets.
Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 6
The Sandbuster returns in this season right after Johann reveals his true plans and allegiance to Hiccup while they are inside the dragon’s lair. The Sandbuster tries to attack Hiccup, only to be warded off by Toothless’ plasma blasts.
Dragons: Rise of Berk
With a day before the season 5 was released, this dragon was introduced in the game.
Statistics in Rise of Berk logo
The Sandbuster's behavior of living and hunting from underground is similar to that of the Sand Wraith, the Burrowing Slitherfang, and the Monster of the Amber-Slavelands. The similarity with the last is so pronounced that it's been speculated that the Sandbuster is based off of it.
It is the second dragon sensitive to light, the first being the Whispering Death.
Its treasure hoarding and protectiveness of its lair is a reference to dragon behavior in many real-world myths and stories such as that of the unnamed dragon from Beowulf, Fafnir from The Saga of the Volsungs, and Smaug from The Hobbit.
El Traga Arena (Sandbuster en inglés) es un dragón que apareció en la quinta temporada de Dragones: Carrera al Borde.
Descripción Editar
"¡Como un pirata que protege su tesoro, el Traga Arena acecha bajo las orillas de los Mercados del Norte para guardar su oro y hundir a los intrusos!
Los criminales que frecuentan los Mercados del Norte son un lote peligroso, pero saben quedarse lejos de las playas. Durante años, el Traga Arena ha vivido bajo esas playas, acumulando un valioso montón de gemas y oro en su cueva. Territorial y codicioso, el Traga Arena crea baches en el suelo que tragan a los humanos lo suficientemente tontos como para pisar cerca de sus riquezas. La única debilidad del dragón es la luz solar, que quema sus escamas sensibles en cuestión de segundos".
- Traducción de la Dragonpedia inglesa
Apariencia Editar
El Traga Arena es un dragón de tamaño mediano que tiene un cuerpo largo parecido a una serpiente, similar al Gancho Terrestre. Su cabeza es grande con ojos azules relativamente pequeños. Una hilera de filosas espinas recorren desde su largo cuello hasta la punta de su larga su cola. Posee cuatro patas, cada una terminando con tres garras afiladas, y sus patas traseras son más grandes y más musculosas que las anteriores, similar al Dientescalofrio. Sus alas, decoradas con "ojos" color verde pasto, son grandes comparadas a su cuerpo y poseen un gran espolón curvo en su articulación principal. Tienen dos garras afiladas en cada uno de ellos.
En cuanto a colores, el Traga Arena es de color amarillo pálido en su mayoría. Sus cuatro patas, sus espinas y un par de franjas que recorren la mitad de su cuerpo, una a cada lado, son de color verde pasto.
Habilidades y debilidades Editar
El Traga Arena es conocido por su habilidad de excavar y hundirse en la arena, similar a como lo hace el Susurro Mortal/Muerte Susurrante. Sin embargo, a diferencia de éste último, el Traga Arena no deja túneles abismales, ya que no traga la arena de verdad, solo "nada" en ella.
Otra característica que comparte con el Susurro Mortal/Muerte Susurrante es su mayor debilidad: la luz solar. La luz no solo daña sus ojos, sino que quema e irrita terriblemente cualquier parte de su piel que se exponga a la luz del sol, incluso si es solo por un breve momento ante un pequeño rayo de luz.
En cuanto a fuego, el Traga Arena es capaz de disparar arena caliente que se transforma en vidrio al contacto. Se dice en El Resurgir de Mema que en realidad este dragón dispara vidrio líquido que se solidifica rápidamente. Sin embargo, ninguno de los videojuegos de la saga es canon, por lo tanto esta descripción no debe ser tomada en cuenta.
Cabe destacar la agilidad y velocidad de este dragón, producto de su cuerpo alargado, similar al de una serpiente, que le permite realizar giros cerrados rápidamente en espacios cerrados.
Como último detalle se resalta la inteligencia del Traga Arena, siendo que el individuo visto en la serie descubrió cómo protegerse de la luz solar usando su fuego y destruyó la única salida que Hipo y los jinetes tenían.
Comportamiento Editar
Se describe al Traga Arena como un dragón codicioso y territorial que se aferra a su tesoro más aguerridamente que un pirata. Tal parece que son agresivos por naturaleza ya que el individuo visto en la serie atacó a Hipo, Patán y Amos sin razón aparente.
Curiosidades Editar
Es curioso que su piel sufra quemaduras por el sol, siendo que está recubierta de escamas.
Tiene muchas similitudes con el Arena Fantasmal:
Ambos viven bajo la tierra.
Ambos viven en playas.
Ambos atacan siguiendo a intrusos de sus escondites.
El ataque de fuego de ambos es arena caliente.
Este es el dragón que mejor refleja en su comportamiento a los verdaderos dragones de los mitos europeos, los cuales eran descritos como seres crueles, territoriales y avariciosos que custodiaban tesoros fabulosos.
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