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Sombra Sigilosa
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Small Shadow Shadow Wing
Small Shadow
Fire Type:
Explosive molten lava
Row of triangular spines along back
Four spines on tail tip
Rounded head and snout
Blue and Purple
Edge Cove
Mani's Teardrop
Roost Rock
Unnamed Islands
Known Dragons
Baited Breath
Nine other Small Shadows that attacked Hiccup in The Longest Day
Spring's Shadow
Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at 10.15.03 AM
The image gallery for Small Shadow
may be viewed here.
"And they are quicker than we are, plus, they're smart. And they work as a team."
The Small Shadow is a dragon species that is first introduced in Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 4.
Official Description
"Watch the skies, Vikings! These diminutive dive-bombers retreat to their larger dragon cousin's wings when they feel overpowered!
The Small Shadow might hunt in packs, but it's still a fearsome foe in 1-on-1 combat. It's agile, intelligent, and unerring in aim."
―Dragons: Rise of Berk
Physical Appearance
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In Rise of Berk, the eggs are round shaped with two small spikes on the top. They have blue patches all over with red lines between them. However, in the next update, its model was changed. The shape and the spikes remained the same but it looks more like the surface of the moon.
Hatchling to Adult
Small Shadows are medium-sized dragons with iridescent blue and purple scales and wings, as well as light undersides. They have rounded heads, triangular fin-like spines on their backs and tails, with long, black claws on their feet.
Titan Wing
The Titan Small Shadow is extremely brightly coloured, with almost all colours of a rainbow. It is mostly red, but sports orange scales and its scales recede to a yellow, green and blue shade towards its legs, edges of its wings and rear. Its claws are bigger. It has more triangular spikes on the tail. It now has small spikes on its back legs.
Small Shadows are pack hunters that are highly intelligent. One dragon pretends to be injured to attract any potential victims while the rest wait to ambush. They have formed a symbiotic relationship with the much larger Shadow Wing. The Small Shadows serve the Shadow Wing, and the Shadow Wing protects the Small Shadows in return.
Small Shadows are very agile flyers with exceptional maneuverability.
Small Shadows can shoot molten balls of orange lava that will explode like fireworks, and they can be very accurate in aiming their shots.
Small Shadows are highly intelligent dragons, especially when it comes to hunting. One individual pretends to be injured to attract any potential victims while the rest wait to ambush. They also know that other dragons cannot fly normally if they attach themselves onto their wings.
Small Shadows are very fast dragons, as they are able to catch up with a Night Fury in flight.
Wall Crawling
Small Shadows are able to climb any terrain such as cave walls.
Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 4
In the episode The Longest Day Hiccup and Toothless are continously chased by Small Shadows and later by a Shadow Wing.
Dragons: Rise of Berk
Shortly before the fourth season came, the Small Shadow along with its Titan Wing were introduced in this game misnamed as Shadow Wing. It was later renamed.
Statistics in Rise of Berk logo
El Pequeño Sombra Sigilosa (Small Shadow en ingles) es un dragón que aparece en Dragones:Carrera al Borde. Sin embargo apareció en Dragones: El Resurgir de Mema antes de su aparición en la serie.
Apariencia Editar
Es un dragón de cola y cuello cortos, de tamaño mediano o grande. Es cuadrúpedo, teniendo tres gruesas garras en cada pata. Su cabeza es redondeada, de fosas nasales chicas y ojos grandes, parecida a la de un Terrible Terror. No tiene cuernos, pero cuenta con espinas que le recorren desde la nuca hasta donde comienza su cola. Su cola termina en cuatro aletas perpendiculares. Son de color azul, violeta o verde en la mayor parte de su cuerpo y color crema en el vientre.
Habilidades Editar
El Pequeño Sombra Sigilosa escupe lava explosiva, que puede rebotar en algunas superficies. Es increíblemente ágil y muy veloz. Son extremadamente inteligentes y trabajan en grupo, logran engañar a sus posibles victimas haciéndolas llegar con su líder, o dragón de mayor tamaño para unirse a sus alas y disparar su ataque como proyectiles.
Comportamiento Editar
Los Pequeños Sombras Sigilosas viven y cazan en manada, pero sigue siendo un dragón temible en solitario. Son dragones muy inteligentes. Se esconden debajo de las alas de dragones más grandes cuando se sienten amenazados. Usan formaciones para cazar sus presas.
Curiosidades Editar
No se sabe si son bebes de esta especie o si son especies distintas.
Su comportamiento como el trabajo en equipo, velocidad e inteligencia es similar al comportamiento de los Velociraptors de Jurassic Park.
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